Thursday, July 13, 2006


Pacifica Commentary For July 12, 2006

A Declaration Of Peace

Yes, it is true. Hundreds of organizations and many thousands of people have declared peace and have signed a declaration of peace.

The puppet government created by the United States in Iraq is a total loss. The Iraqi security forces are in complete disarray. Some are working for the other side, some are involved in organized crime, and according to the Los Angeles Times, the new 268,610 member Iraqi Interior Ministry has a far larger security force than all of the troops from the United States which are currently in Iraq. These Iraqi forces are clearly marked by brutality, bribery, summary execution, and rape.

There are kidnapping rings in this new Iraqi ministry. Iraqis do not trust them. Payroll fraud is rampant. Large amounts of communications equipment are missing. Female detainees are sexually assaulted.

The Ministry of the Interior is a counterproductive and broken department of the new Iraqi government imposed by our administration. Actually the Iraqi security forces in Iraq have all the characteristics of the forces that the United States paid for during the Somoza Dynasty in Nicaragua, during the Duvalier rule in Haiti, or the forces of South Vietnam during that endless war.

Respect from the rest of the world has been lost. Dedicated young service people from the United States are becoming conscious of how they have been lied to, used and discarded together with endless numbers of innocent Iraqis.

Services justly due to our citizens have been denied while billions of our hard earned taxes have been tossed helter skelter to war profiteers with zero accountability.

These are some of the reasons that the peace movement has produced The Declaration of Peace. We have signed that declaration together with hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals. We call on the Congress and the Administration to end the war.

The ancient and powerful spiritual weapon of fasting is now deployed. This is called the Troops Home Fast which thousands have already begun. Some will fast on liquids only, some will fast completely for a day, a week or as long as their conscience dictates.

Up to a September 21st deadline, we will participate in marches, vigils and lobbying for immediate withdrawal of our troops. From September 21-28 there will be direct actions in Washington, D.C. and throughout the nation. In the spirit of Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King some signers will be led by conscience to engage in non-violent civil disobedience and risk arrest to express their principled opposition to the U.S. War in Iraq. These nonviolent activities will continue until the United States withdraws from Iraq. You can sign on to this pledge by going to:
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