Friday, June 15, 2007


Pacifica Commentary For June 14, 2007


As we reach bottom at the lowest point in U.S. history, it becomes clear that people want a new springtime. Yes, in the midst of the crass corruption, violence, ignorance and obscene banality of our government, there is hope.

And how is this change going to take place? The best current example of the triumph of grass roots politics can be seen in Latin America today. In past years the representatives of corporate capital including Wall Street would select Latin American candidates useful to their interests.

Some candidates would even make progressive noises for propaganda purposes. But the power of corporate capital and U.S. military interventions maintained a static status quo in Latin America.

In recent years, however, Latin American candidates representing the hopes, desires and anxieties of the Latin America people have been elected. This rapid change has been helped by the fact that the United States is hopelessly engaged in losing unnecessary wars. While the cat's away, the mice will play.

And now Democrats are faced with the same problem over which Latin America has triumphed. They can work for one of three candidates who have been approved by corporate capital and Wall Street, while accepting the religion of militarism or they can go to the grass roots and make history as Latin America is making history. Latin Americans had faith enough to believe they could change corrupt systems and they are doing it.

If Democrats have the same level of faith and grass roots action, they can elect a candidate who is not acceptable to corporate capital, who will bring us a Department of Peace, a single payer health system and the return of the public sector.

And those who say, "Oh, he doesn't have a chance," are parroting just what the lobbyists for militarism want them to say as captives of false advertising.

So let's have the same faith that Latin America has demonstrated and put someone in the White House who does not bow to the corporate lobbies which are now running the United States of America.
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